The symbols for washing and dry cleaning - your guide to easy care

The symbols for washing and dry cleaning - your guide to easy care

17 March 2021
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With this article we aim to help you navigate quickly and unmistakably in the symbols for washing and cleaning fabrics, and thus save you time, money and frustration.
The care label describes the permissible treatment of the garment without damaging the textile. Each label must contain information about the material from which the garment is made and up to five symbols for washing and cleaning, which indicate exactly how to care for the fabric.
Washing and cleaning at home
It is depicted with a stylized bath / basin, and the number written in the symbol means the maximum washing temperature (in degrees Celsius). According to European standards, the recommended level of washing is indicated by lines below the bath symbol. The absence of a streak indicates a higher durability of the fabrics (cotton laundry). If there is a streak under the bath, it indicates that more careful treatment of the garment in the washing machine (synthetic fabrics) is needed. Double line means very light manipulation - washing of delicate fabrics (silk / wool). The ribbon symbols also indicate the recommended degree of centrifugation - most features indicate lower spin speeds. The "hand" symbol in the bath means that only "gentle" hand washing is allowed, at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. The symbol depicting the "crossed out" bath means that the textile cannot be washed at home.
An empty triangle (formerly marked with the letters CL inside it) indicates that bleaching with chlorine-containing or chlorine-free bleach is permitted. Two slashes in the triangle prohibit chlorine bleaching. The "crossed out" triangle prohibits any bleaching.
The circle inscribed in a square depicts a clothes dryer. One point in the circle means drying the clothes at a low temperature. Two points - drying at normal temperature. When the symbol is crossed out with two intersecting lines - drying is prohibited.
Natural drying
These symbols show us how to dry fabrics in the open, in the open, without using a dryer.
An iron symbol with up to three dots means that ironing is allowed. The number of points is related to a certain temperature at which the garment can be ironed without damage. One point means ironing at 110 ° C, two points - at 150 ° C and three points are for ironing at 200 ° C. The "crossed out iron" symbol means that ironing is prohibited.
Professional cleaning
The "circle" symbol indicates that professional dry cleaning is permitted for the garment. The line below the symbol means light cleaning, and two lines below the circle mean very careful and delicate cleaning.
Dry cleaning
Dry cleaning is any process of cleaning clothing and textiles that uses chemical solvents other than water. It is recommended for clothes and fabrics that are damaged by washing with water, as well as for delicate fabrics that can not withstand rough handling in a washing machine and clothes dryer. Dry cleaning is not "dry" washing - the clothes are soaked in a solvent other than water. Tetrachlorethylene is the most widely used solvent. Alternative solvents are trichloroethane and petroleum alcohol. The letters P and F, inscribed inside the circle, indicate the different solvents used in professional dry cleaning.
Wet cleaning
The letter "W" inscribed in the circle indicates that professional wet cleaning is allowed for the given garment and textile.
We hope that with the help of this article you can now easily and accurately interpret the care labels placed on your clothes and textiles. Adherence to these symbols will ensure long-term use and keep your clothes in the best condition for the longest time.